Posts tagged ‘art’

March 16, 2009

thrifting on a good day.

I don’t know what it is about days like today, but they just have a way of dissipating all of the bad things that are going on. Really, things that are going on aren’t exactly bad, just aggravating and annoying and slightly worrisome. I won’t go all into it, mostly because I don’t want to get riled up again.

But the sunshine and warm weather just melted away anything that I might be upset about. Plus I went to the thrift store and found some amazing mason jars with handles! They remind me of being a kid and drinking lemonade in the summer. Finding a set of 5 (4 matching and 1 oddball one) was the highlight of my day. No joke. And they were only 99 cents a piece!

I don’t usually like thrift stores at all, but lately I have found some good (old vintageish) stuff that is so cool. Some of the things I have found I plan on re-doing and making it completely different than what it is now. For instance, an old tv tray I found with this weird design is gonna be a calender, with magnet numbers so it can be changed every month. I don’t have the time to finish that project, but as soon as I have a chance, I want to get it done.

Some of the furniture they have at the thrift store (we have a few in town, but one is closer than the rest) is neat too, and I have had some ideas of things I could spice it up. I don’t want brand new furniture when I move. I want my place to look mismatched and cozy and vintage, like I live a “simple” life. Not sure if that makes sense to anyone else, but the vision in my head makes sense (I feel like I have said this before here, lol). It’s going to be a work in progress, but I think it will be what makes my home unique.

Tomorrow is going to be nice too, and although I have to work, which means being in the basement of TSCPL for 7-8 hours, I plan on doing something creative after work. Maybe painting, maybe I’ll finishing the felt matting for Lindsay’s sonogram picture, or something else, but I need an outlet for the frustrations I have felt since Saturday. I am learning that working it out creatively makes me feel much better than screaming at someone or crying.

It’s way prettier too.

June 29, 2008

If I could…

I would not be a writer with a little bit of art experience.
I think I would be an artist with a little bit of writing experience.

Why is it that we always want what we don’t have, and don’t appreciate the things we’ve been blessed with?